Hawaii Healthcare Emergency Management Coalition is a statewide federally qualified all hazards comprehensive emergency management healthcare coalition program within the Hawaii Hospital Education and Research Foundation (HHERF), a nonprofit 501(c)(3) wholly owned subsidiary of the Healthcare Association of Hawaii. The HHEM program was commissioned in 2003 by the federal government with the support of the Hawaii State Department of Health.
The coalition provides a unique array of statewide healthcare emergency management services and capabilities such as an integrated communication and information sharing systems, coordination of healthcare response and recovery operations, patient tracking system, deployment of a variety of emergency response teams such as an all hazards disaster medical response and recovery team, HERT (Hospital Emergency Response Team), Incident Management Assistance Team (IMAT), Incident Specialty Teams (IST) and various strike teams, mobilization of healthcare delivery systems, learning management system for training, logistic support, medical countermeasures, administration of a statewide patient tracking system, planning and preparedness activities such as training, workshops, tabletop, functional and full scale exercises, etc.
The coalition is led by a director and operates with a small permanent staff of 4.0 FTE and three area coordinator professional staff (counties of Kauai, Maui and Hawaii) and over 186 emergency managers representing each member organization. The Emergency Management Committee which consists of emergency managers representing each of the healthcare organizations is chaired by the executive director and provides governance for coalition.
The HHEM coalition program is primarily funded with federal HPP or Hospital Preparedness Program grant funding. The grant funding is provided by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) to the Hawaii State Department of Health and then granted to the HHEM Coalition via a contract for services agreement. The HHEM coalition program also relies revenue generation from its annual new member sustainable dues, consulting and other services.
Membership consists of over 186 healthcare organizations statewide in all of the counties. Those organizations include all of the hospitals, all of the dialysis centers, most of the long term care facilities, most of the home health providers, most of the long term care facilities, most of the home health providers, all of the hospice providers, all of the community health centers, most of the assisted living facilities, air and ground ambulance providers, pharmaceutical providers, medical gas providers, durable medical equipment providers, ambulatory surgical center providers, blood bank, clinical laboratories, individual with intellectual disabilities intermediate care facility providers, etc. The roles and responsibilities of members and Hawaii Healthcare Emergency Management are defined and described in a MOU or Memorandum of Understanding signed by each organization.
The goal is to sustain and maintain essential and critical healthcare system services statewide during and after a major emergency or disasters through strong coordination, collaboration and leveraging all of the statewide healthcare resources and information sharing.
HHEM’s Role During COVID-19
During the pandemic, HHEM played a key role in making sure healthcare organizations provided safer care for patients and residents. Many facilities in Hawaii were concerned that COVID-19 would deplete their PPE resources. HHEM, in collaboration with the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH), and Healthcare Association of Hawaii, responded by ordering and dispersing personal protective equipment (PPE) to the hospitals, nursing and assisted living facilities, home health agencies, hospices, frontline workers and others.
Here are more ways that HHEM helped members and other healthcare providers prepare and battle the pandemic based on our core missions.
Mission 1:
HHEM has been providing critical information and situational updates daily to our members in the form of a situational update or “sit Rep” that goes out daily to DOH and other agencies.
Mission 2:
HHEM has had our EOC operational since March of 2020 to coordinate our response to request that come in for needs. Those needs could be PPE, equipment needs, staffing shortages, and other needs that pop up.
Mission 3:
Have not deployed any response teams due to staffing is already working with in healthcare facilities.
Mission 4:
Coordinated with Facilities to deploy coalition tent systems to help handle surge and other needs the hospitals would have.
Planning and collaborating with DOH and HI-EMA in refining Alternative care site plans that would best fit Hawaii’s needs in the response to COVID-19.
Mission 5:
HHEM has assisted in coordinating patient movement from long-term care to hospitals and other interfacility transfers.
Mission 6:
HHEM has proved logistical support by moving over 1.8 million items to members and nonmembers statewide.
HHEM has completed over 1350 Requests for assistance (RFA) since March of 2020.
Mission 7:
Electronic patient tracking system is still under development at this time.
Mission 8:
HHEM has had our Emergency Operations center up and running since March of 2020.
Hospitals and other health care facilities have stood up their EOC and are in coordination with HHEM on their needs.
Mission 9:
HHEM is using and maintain our contingency communications and running monthly tests on them during COVID.
HHEM is in the process of repairing some of the systems that are down. Travel restrictions have made it difficult to get to the outer island, but we are working through that in an effort to get the outer islands up and running before hurricane season 2021.
Mission 10:
HHEM has been active in the planning process throughout COVID.
Planning COVID vaccine effort that started in September 2020.
Planning and collaboration with DOH and HI-EMA on ACS plans.
Statewide exercises have been postponed due to COVID but COVID has been our real-life event that the entire coalition has learned from. Lessons learned continue to be captured and will be noted in a after action report.
HHEM is planning our Makani Pahili statewide exercise in June of 2021. This will be a virtual exercise that will include all of our members.
To support, coordinate and emergency manage statewide healthcare system emergency preparedness, mitigation, response operations and recovery for all hazard major emergencies, and disasters.
Our Core Missions:
HHEM provides timely critical alerts, warning, notifications, and situational updates via the coalition communication and information system.
HHEM Emergency Operations Center (HHEMEOC) coordinates overall healthcare emergency response and recovery operations statewide.
HHEM Area Coordinators positioned within each county emergency operating center assist with the coordination of coalition operations.
Disaster Medical Team (an all hazards disaster medical response and recovery team) provides on-scene, high-acuity casualty care services, evacuation assistance, and care, highly infectious disease patient containment transport, AE critical care transport, etc.
Hospital Emergency Response Team (HERT) personnel augment clinical operations in one or more hospital facilities to support medical surge.
Incident Management Assistance Team (IMAT) assist with operational support and coordination of an event or incident via the Operation Support Center (OSC).
Incident Management Teams (IMT) assist individual hospitals with complex operations – subject matter experts, communications, just-in-time training.
Pre-positioned, air-transportable 20 and 50-bed Acute Care Modules (ACM) augment hospital services or support on-scene medical care – total of 150 beds.
Disaster Aero-medical Staging Facility (DASF) supports casualty evacuations at airport facilities by civilian and military aircraft.
The isolation and quarantine unit supports and provides care for large numbers of suspected highly infectious individuals in an alternative care facility setting.
Establish an alternative care facility or site.
Coordinate patient evacuations from healthcare facilities that include placement and transporting to location.
Coordinate secondary movement of patients following Mass Casualty Incidents.
Coordinate distribution of inbound patient to Hawaii via air.
Coordinated by HHEM Emergency Operation Center and Operations Support Center (HHEMOSC) in Honolulu.
Leverage healthcare system resources and allocate based on priority.
HHEM Area Caches (HAC) containers, and single resources such as ventilators, pharmaceuticals, personal protective equipment, generators, emergency meals, voice and data communications, medical oxygen, HEPA scrubbers, chemical & radiological instruments and related equipment and supplies, etc.
Host hospital application and database on server and maintain.
Provide training on the patient tracking application.
Develop and implement a concept of operation.
Develop, equip, maintain, and sustain a statewide healthcare emergency management EOC or Emergency Operation Center.
Develop, equip, maintain, and sustain a field COOP statewide healthcare emergency management EOC.
Provide a vetted HHEMC Area Coordinator in Hawaii County, Maui County, and Kauai County to liaison within the county EOCs. Honolulu City an County will be coordinated with a liaison from the HHEM EOC.
Maintain and manage contingency integrated voice communication systems such as 800MHz radio, SATCOM, CDMA, SHARES Resource, and HAM Radio.
Maintain information sharing integrated data communication systems and platforms such as WebEOC, HPATS, etc.
Training and exercise program.
Technical assistance, workshops, and planning workgroups.
To develop, sustain and maintain a safer, less vulnerable statewide healthcare system with the capacity to cope with hazards and disasters.
Marc Moriguchi
Director, Hawaii Healthcare Emergency Management Coalition
Team Commander, Coalition All Hazards Disaster Medical Response & Recovery Team
Tracy Aruga
Planning and Training Coordinator, Hawaii Healthcare Emergency Management Coalition
Aiko Holmberg
Program Manager, Hawaii Healthcare Emergency Management Coalition
Administrative Officer, Coalition All Hazards Disaster Medical Response Recovery Team
Matthew Nishimura
Healthcare Emergency Management Specialist
Ha Chi
HHEM Hawaii County Area Coordinator
April Dieguez
HHEM Kauai County Area Coordinator
Donovan Keli`ipuleole
HHEM Maui County Area Coordinator
The Healthcare Emergency Management Committee
Governs the Coalition. The chair of the committee is the director of Hawaii Healthcare Emergency Management. The Emergency Management Committee members consists of emergency managers from each of the variety of coalition member provider types appointed by the senior administrator or executive at each facility. The committee meets once a month.
The Healthcare Emergency Management Advisory Committee
This Emergency Management Subcommittee or Coalition Advisory Committee consists of members from partner agencies and organizations that play an important or integral role in major healthcare emergencies or all hazard disasters. The chair of the committee is the director of Hawaii Healthcare Emergency Management. Subcommittee members consists of emergency managers and leaders from each of the partner members. This committee meets quarterly.
Specialty Workgroups
Specialty workgroups are formed and convened to discuss issues, challenges, or plans in specialized areas. Those groups may consist of but are not limited to long term care, acute care hospitals, home health hospice, infectious disease, public information or crisis communications, dialysis, community health centers, etc.
Day to day operations and emergency and disaster operations are led by the Director of HHEM and supported by the HHEM team. The HHEM Emergency Management Committee, which is chaired by the HHEM Director, consists of Emergency Managers representing any and all HHEM coalition members.
This committee provides the opportunity for regular updates from HHEM, as well the opportunity to solicit feedback and input from coalition members. The HHEM program is housed in the Hawaii Hospital and Education Research Foundation (HHERF), the 501 (c) 3 subsidiary of the Healthcare Association of Hawaii.
Governance of HHEM is provided by the HHERF board, a coalition of individuals from representative HAH members, and a HI-EMA representative.
15 Craigside
93rd Civil Support Team
Ace Medical
Adventist Health Castle
Adventist Health Castle Home Care
Aiea Heights Senior Living
Air Gas Pro
Aloha Nursing & Rehab Centre
AMR Interfacility Ground
Ann Pearl Rehabilitation and Healthcare
Arcadia Retirement Residence
Avalon Care Center
Bay Clinic
Bayada Home Health Care
Blood Bank of Hawaii
Bristol Hospice
Care Center of Honolulu
CareResource Hawaii
Clinical Labs of Hawaii
Diagnostic Laboratory Services
Dignity Senior Living Oceanside Hawaii
Eye Surgery Center of Hawaii
FKC – Lanai Community Dialysis Center
Garden Isle Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center
Hale Anuenue Restorative Care Center
Hale Ho Aloha
Hale Ho’ola Hamakua
Hale Ku’ike – Pali
Hale Ku’ike Bayside LLC
Hale Ku’ike LLC 3
Hale Kupuna Heritage Home
Hale Makua Health Services
Hale Makua-Kahului
Hale Makua-Wailuku
Hale Malamalama
Hale Nani Rehabilitation & Nursing Center
Hale Ola Kino
Hamakua Health Center
Hana Health
Hawaii Care Choices
Hawaii Kai Assisted Living & Retirement Community
Hawaii Life Flight
Hawaii Pacific Health
Hawaii Primary Care Association
Hawaii State Hospital
Hawaiian Islands Medical Corp
Hilo Medical Center
Hi’olani Care Center at Kahala Nui
Home Health by Hale Makua
Ho’ola Lahui Hawaii (Kauai CHC)
Hospice Hawaii
Hospice Maui
Hospice of Kona
Ilima at Leihano
Islands Hospice
Ka Punawai Ola
Kahi Mohala
Kahuku Medical Center
Kaiser Foundation Hospital
Kaiser Permanente Home Health
Kalakaua Gardens
Kalihi-Palama Health Center
Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children
Ka’u Hospital
Kauai Care Center
Kauai Hospice, Inc.
Kauai Veteran’s Memorial Hospital
Kohala Home Health Care of North Hawaii Community Hospital
Kohala Hospital
Kokua Kalihi Valley
Kona Community Hospital
Ko’olauloa Health Center
Kuakini Medical Center
Kula Hospital
Kulana Malama
Lanai Community Health Center
Lanai Community Hospital
Leahi Hospital
Legacy Hilo Rehabilitation & Nursing Center
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Ala Moana
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Fresenius Kidney Care
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Hawaii Kai
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Hilo
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Hilo Acute
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Honolulu Acutes
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Kahana
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Kailua
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Kaimuki
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Kauai
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Kauai Acute
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Kona
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Leeward
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Maui
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Maui Home
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Mililani
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Molokai
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – North Hawaii
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Salt Lake
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Siemsen
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Siemsen Home Program
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Sullivan
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Waianae
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – Waipahu
Liberty Dialysis-Hawaii – West Kauai
Life Care Center of Hilo
Life Care Center of Kona
LifeSave Kupono
Liliha Healthcare Center
Malama I Ke Ola Health Center – Community Clinic of Maui
Malama Ola Health Services
Manoa Cottage Kaimuki
Maui Memorial Medical Center
Maunalani Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Minimally Invasive Surgery of Hawaii
Molokai Community Health Center
Molokai General Hospital
North Hawaii Community Hospital
North Hawaii Hospice
Nuuanu Hale
Oahu Care Faciltiy
Oahu Home Healthcare
One Kalakaua Senior Living
Pali Momi Medical Center
Palolo Chinese Home
Pearl City Nursing Home
Pharmacare Hawaii
Pharmacare LTC
Pohai Nani
Prime Care Services Hawaii, Inc.
Pu’uwai ‘O Makaha
Rainbow Dialysis-Lahaina
Rainbow Dialysis-Wailuku
Regency at Hualalai
Regency at Puakea
Regional Health Command – Pacific
Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific
Roselani Place
Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital
Shriners Hospitals for Children-Honolulu
St. Francis Hospice
Straub Medical Center
Surgicare of Hawaii
The Arc in Hawaii-6A
The Arc in Hawaii-6B
The Arc in Hawaii-Ewa B
The Arc in Hawaii-Ewa C
The Arc in Hawaii-Kaimuki A
The Arc in Hawaii-Kaimuki B
The Arc in Hawaii-Wahiawa A
The Ching Villas
The Plaza at Mililani
The Plaza at Moanalua
The Plaza at Pearl City
The Plaza at Punchbowl
The Plaza at Waikiki
The Queen’s Medical Center
The Queen’s Medical Center-West
Tripler Army Medical Center
US RENAL – Aloha Dialysis
US RENAL – Beretania Dialysis
US RENAL – Honolulu Dialysis
US RENAL – Honolulu Home Therapies Dialysis
US RENAL – Kapahulu Dialysis
US RENAL – Kapolei Dialysis
US RENAL – Ko’olau Dialysis
US RENAL – Pearlridge Dialysis
US RENAL – Pearlridge Home Therapies Dialysis
US RENAL – Wahiawa Dialysis
US RENAL – Waipahu Dialysis
US RENAL – West Oahu Dialysis
US RENAL – Windward Dialysis
US Renal Care
VA Center for Aging
VA Spark Matsunaga Medical Center
Wahiawa General Hospital
Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center
Waikiki Health
Waimanalo Health Center
Weinberg Care Center
West Hawaii Community Health Center
West Hawaii Home Health Services
Wilcox Medical Center
Wilson Care Group
Yukio Okutsu State Veterans Home